Welcome to the alert portal of Bouygues Construction

In accordance with our ethical rules and the legal provisions in force, this platform is used to collect and process alerts from employees of Bouygues Group entities (permanent or occasional) as well as external stakeholders (subcontractors, suppliers, customers, partners, etc.) and to make secure exchanges. The confidentiality of your identity will be preserved when your alert is issued, as well as throughout the alert handling procedure. You can also send your alert to another Group entity by clicking here:

Make a report Access an existing report

Zoznam odkazov

Isabelle BALESTRA Ethics Officer
Grégory DEMONTOY Compliance Officer.
Jean-Christophe FLEURY Human Resources & Social Relations Director
Isabelle DUBOIS WETTERWALD Diversity & Inclusion Director
Thibault GANDON Human Resources Director
Perrine SCALABRE Training Director.

Zoznam dokumentov

Code-of-ethics-2023 EN.pdf
Code-of-ethics-2023 EN.pdf
Ethics Alert Chapter_EDC-10 Practical Guide_BYCN.pdf
Ethics Alert Chapter_EDC-10 Practical Guide_BYCN.pdf
FAQ - Whistleblowing platform ENG_BYCN.pdf
FAQ - Whistleblowing platform ENG_BYCN.pdf
BYCA Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
BYCA Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
AWE Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
AWE Whistleblowing Policy.pdf


In accordance with the laws in force, the confidentiality of your identity will be preserved when your report is issued, as well as during the entire procedure to process your report.

The compliance officers and legal directors are also designated in the Bouygues Construction entities as recipients of reports within their scope (excluding harassment alerts):

  • Bouygues Bâtiment International (BBI)
  • Bouygues Travaux Publics (BYTP / VSL)
  • Bouygues Bâtiment France (BBF)
  • Bouygues Construction Purchasing 
  • Bouygues Construction Matériel 
  • Bouygues Construction IT (BYCN IT)
  • Bouygues Construction SA (BYCN SA)

To Know

Each report has its own discussion system that allows messages to be sent and received. These exchanges take into account the choice of the notifying party if he/she has decided to remain anonymous.  

Only designated referents will receive the information contained in the form that you are going to complete and send us. You will be able to track your report and communicate with the referent(s) with the confidential code that is generated by the platform when you submit your report.

Each report will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed internal audit.